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Wellington, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Artist Spotlight: Black Cat Graphix


I love this artist. Such emotion in each piece. Must see! She also took the time out to answer some questions.


Tell us a bit about yourself

I live in Georgia with six cats, three dogs, goldfish and an understanding husband. I have a Bachelor's degree in Photographic Design, but have never been satisfied with myself as a photographer. I taught myself Photoshop and oil painting and am finally becoming able to create the visions I see. I always have a book handy for any chance I get to read. I'm told I'm funny, but somehow it doesn't feel appropriate to be funny in my art.

When and how did you discover your talent

I was in the shower trying out a new soap - no wait, that was something else...

What inspires you

People who are obsessed with making art, regardless of their means or situation. Also, remembering my very industrious Gandma, who always had multiple craft projects going on.

What dream do you have that hasn't been fulfilled yet

Supporting my husband with my wildly successful art career.

Any advice for us fellow Etsyians

Hang in there. I haven't been on Etsy that long myself, but I notice some very successful shops have been around for over a year. Now stop reading this and get back in your studio.

I hope you enjoyed meeting Cindy and seeing some of her fabulous art! The colors and faces are amazing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi - love your art - especially the angel.